This is a list of YouTube links including Mayor’s Question Time at City Hall, Geoff Buys Cars, Brown Car Guy who has a done lot of in depth investigative work, and MPs addressing Parliament. The links open in a new window.

Another People’s Question Time (not answer time) with Sadiq Khan and the Assembly, another chance to avoid answering difficult questions and for us to express our dissatisfaction. The people’s frustration boils over…caught on camera by YouTuber The Wondering Englishman

The Daily Sceptic discusses two tier justice and interviews Nick Arlett about the ULEZ campaign and the subsequent protest arrests and convictions (38 mins in)

Talk TV interviewing Howard Cox about the Mayoral election result

Talk TV did a piece on the fight against ULEZ:

Adam from Petrolheadonism doing a great bit of coverage of the Trafalgar Square protest on 27th January

Great video piece by the Sun telling the story of the scam van blockers:

An interesting YouTube by Brown Car Guy on the future of the ULEZ protesting – worth the 28mins listen:

Brown Car Guy again with footage and interviews from the Trafalgar Square Protest on 5th August.

ULEZ Protest Trafalgar Sq & Interviews! [6 Aug 2023]

Brown Car Guy interviews Alison Morgan at the Wallington Awareness Day – she talks a lot of sense

ULEZ: Wallington Awareness Event Interviews! [1 Aug 2023]

Can you gift your non ULEZ compliant car to Sadiq Khan? – Geoff investigates

Genius new ULEZ loophole goes VIRAL. Does it work..?

Do the poorest people in London own cars? Sadiq Khan doesn’t think so but he has no evidence

MQT – surprise, poor people do own cars  

Are 40,000 people in the UK dying prematurely every year due to air pollution?

Is Mayor Khan manipulating the air pollution figures?

Sadiq Khan didn’t seem to know what’s going on during the consultation – do we believe him?

MQT – Sadiq Khan GRILLED over ULEZ consultation dishonesty

Will a ULEZ Expansion really save 4000 lives? Many people are rightly sceptical

Brown Car Guy investigates – ULEZ Expansion to Save 4000 Lives? NOT EXACTLY

Claire Fox spoke to Parliament in great detail and at great length – shame not more of our MPs were there to hear it

Claire Fox talks Traffic Measures – Sham Consultations and Data Distortion