How to complain

The more complaints submitted against misleading ULEZ reporting, the more notice will be taken

If you hear or see an advert or media report that you feel is misleading or biased, there are several ways to complain. Adverts on TV or radio can be reported to the ASA via a simple website form with the time and date, the more complaints they get the more notice will be taken of our opposition to ULEZ. If you see anything on the BBC, you can write to them or use the website complaints submission process which is also quite easy and you should receive a response within about 10 days which you can accept or counter if you are not entirely happy with the response,

Here are some useful links:

This is a direct link to the The Advertising Standards Authority Make a Complaint form:

The BBC allows you to complain online, by phone or post within 30 working days.

This is link to the BBC online complaints form:

Record your complaint by phone 24 hours a day:
03700 100 222 or 03700 100 212 (textphone)

Post your complaint to:
BBC Complaints
PO Box 1922,
DL3 0UR.

The #Together No to ULEZ Expansion campaign has a lot of information

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