The ULEZ fight continues into 2024
As we enter a New Year the fight against ULEZ continues. In fact things are going to get even more intense in the run up to May 2nd with the hope that we can deprive Sadiq Khan of a third term, scrap ULEZ and turn the tide on the war on London’s motorists. Will 2024 be the year that we finally stop ULEZ?
New Year’s Eve politics?
As many of us celebrated the new year, Sadiq Khan’s political fireworks we’re getting a mixed response. Many of those that paid for a place by the Thames were prevented from entering as the roads were boarded up, and many of us at home weren’t keen on the lecturing and virtue signalling that accompanied what should have been a celebration of London, but appeared a bit like a political broadcast.
The first ULEZ protest of 2024
A merry discussion over a New Years drink prompted the organisation of a flash protest on the first Saturday of the year, and despite the chilly weather and short notice, the Shirley Protest had a really good turnout. Lots of vans, the Ulezettes with their new banner belting out their anti-ULEZ songs and lots of support from the passing traffic. It’s hard to find anyone in this area that actually supports ULEZ.
TFL woes
2024 is also election year and it’s already stepped up a gear. Sadiq Khan has started by bribing the RMT to call off their strike by giving in to their pay demands using £30 million he found down the back of the sofa. Trouble is now all the other unions want their pay demands met without negotiation. This was followed by an announcement that TfL is grappling with £740m gap in finances following the pandemic and more dynamic pricing will be added to the increase in March.
In more road related news, Tom Tom have announced that London is officially the slowest city in the world with the blanket 20mph, fine on a small back road by a school but completely unnecessary on a dual carriageway A road, particularly at night. We need to get London moving again.
Future ULEZ Protests
Leading up to the one year anniversary protest in Trafalgar Square on 27th January, we have some ingenious, energetic protesters organising weekly events blocking their local ULEZ Cameras. This allows people to travel freely for two or three hours to go about their business without being charged £12.50 and depriving Sadiq Khan of revenue. Look out for your local event here and make the most of it – join in or drive by and hoot your support.